Those Symptoms

The two weeks surrounding me finding out I was pregnant, I had the not quite rare not quite occasional small pain. Whether it was a sharp jab that subsided in a minute or two, or a dull ache that lasted several minutes. The fert doctor’s office told me they’d happen, so nothing to worry about. But it got me wondering: Did I not have these with my first pregnancy, or do I just not remember having them?

Thankfully those pains are even less frequent now.

I got the “morning sickness” again, though this time it was at random times during the day instead of just in the evenings like last time. But thankfully it was like last time in that it’s just sour stomach and not actual nausea or full blown vomiting. Took me a few weeks, but I finally realized they are tied to my hunger levels. So, more food (that I crave, if not I stay hungry), less sour stomach.

On Friday I had my 8 week appt with the OBYGN. She asked how I was, I said “hungry and cranky”. She said “sounds like you’re pregnant.” :)

While that’s all well and good, trying to keep the cranky in check is annoying. Especially around people who don’t know yet (work).

I remember the tired from last time. How it was deep Winter (Jan? Feb?), and I would work the day, then come home and sleep. I remember at least one week of the blur of work and nothing more, and how chore-some that was, because otherwise I was sleeping.

Well, either late Friday or early Saturday the tired has started. I went for a nap on Saturday after forcing myself to pick up a little because guests were coming over and we’d need the table to eat dinner, and I hit that nap HARD. I was tired for the rest of the day too. And all today I was tired, until about 8pm.

Of course, now I’m wired.

BUT, no sour stomach since Thursday’s craving was _well_ satisfied. WOO! Over 3 days! Either I’m over that phase, or I’ve gotten much better at staying ahead of what the current crave is.

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