AncestryDNA Results

- The African is well known, assuming you have met my Mom and have eyes (though West Africa is cool to know)
- The British Isles is well known as my Aunt Bonnie has done the family history on my Dad’s Dad’s side, and it goes back to England at least two times. (Nice to know that the family was there for many a long time)
- The Scandinavian is a surprise. Though not too much when I think back and remember we discovered a Von-Something in the family and found we actually are some small part German! But I’m surprised it’s a larger percentage than I would have thought.
- The Uncertain, I’m certain is Native American. My Mom’s Mom’s Dad was half, we think Blackfoot. But I’m surprised at how small a percentage it is. Actually, doing the math, I’m 1/16th Native American which is 6.25%, so 5% on a DNA test is pretty accurate.

It’s also very likely that my African-American history side of the family contains some White (British Isles or Scandinavian apparently). And theoretically possible the Native America side had some too, especially since it’s believed the Nordic folk (Scandinavian plus Iceland and Finland) were traveling to North America well before West Europe made the trip and colonized.

Just read the full results, and came across this under Scandinavian:
“In the days of the mighty Roman Empire, the Goths, originally from Sweden, wandered south and settled in what is now eastern Germany.”

Also found these under British Isles:
“The English language, predominantly spoken in this region, is descended from German settlers.”
“The history of the region is one of periodic invasions and settlements by various groups including the Angles and Saxons from Germany, the Jutes from Denmark, the Vikings, the Normans from northern France and, of course, the Romans.”

So yes, we’re likely Scandinavian by way of Germany. And possibly Scandinavian by way of Great Britain by way pf Germany.

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