First Grey Hair

Yesterday “morning” I was doing my hair for the baby shower, and as I was brushing the part into place on the top of my head I saw in the mirror a distinctly incorrect color in my hair.  This happens (threads, feathers, whatnot), but what got me was how it followed the line of my head so perfectly.  “Is that?  No… well, maybe….”  I thought.  My hair has been lightening in color for a few years (it’s not black anymore, not that it ever was, but it was so dark brown that it looked black) and the top can easily be seen to be brown in some lights.  One of my family members told me last year that was the first step to grey hairs.  Nice.  :p

So after I was done parting, I used my fingers to grab the mis-matched thing.  It was as thin as a hair – and when I pulled on it, it started to slide out from alongside the other hairs, and was longer than a thread or anything else would be.  “Oh no…”  To be sure, I yanked it from the “root” side, and sure enough it was embedded in my head.  Until I pulled it out of course.  Yup, my first grey hair.  It was only grey half way, from the root outwards, the bottom half was still my normal hair color.

Granted, I’m not sure if it was grey, silver, or white.  My Mom, who was sitting next to me, grabbed it and threw it away from us.  I managed to get it back, but it slipped from my fingers as I went back into the house before I found a place to put it down.  Oh well.  I’m sure I can check the next one for the correct color name.  :p  again.

Oh, and before anyone comments that it’s ’cause of the baby or pregnancy:  No.  I am fully blaming it on the last two weeks at work, that increased in stress pretty steadily from day to day.  Wednesday having been the worst of the bunch, but Thursday and Friday putting in good shows too.

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One Response to First Grey Hair

  1. Hah, you would be proud enough to post about a grey hair. *HUGS* Sorry work has been stressful. I’ll tell you this, when my hair starts to turn, my hair dresser is making an extra 50 bucks every six weeks!
    July 3 at 1:29pm

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