Episode 4


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Back to the story

Chapter 1


Marina puttered around a bit, straightening things out before she left and went to her quarters. She quickly grabbed the bag of gear she had packed that morning and went down to the holodeck. Within a few moments she had changed her clothes and began ascending the rock face. It was one of her favorite programs, and as she climbed her mind cleared. The setting was out doors, in a wooded area and no matter how high she climbed the temperature would remain at 69 degrees on the old Fahrenheit measurements that she had been taught as a small child.

She thought about home, the ship, and her lack of activity. She should participate more but bad experiences in the past made her hesitant of getting too involved. Her hand slipped off the rock and she swiveled forward to clutch at the rock and to keep her balance. After regaining her finger hold she continued up the rock face and decided against any more deep thought. When she finally reached the top some 30 minuets later she was calm. She felt a pleasant pull on the muscles in her arms, and she was totally relaxed.

"Computer, Lake." She said, the simple command in the program immediately changing the view far below where she had started her climb from one of a scrub forest into one of a lake, probably 3 square kilometers in size, of crystal clear water. From prior knowledge she knew that it was half a kilometer deep in places, and that it sloped gently deeper from the banks. Except in one place that was, the one right below her. There it was 20 meters deep. She removed her climbing harness and shoes, and then the pants she had been wearing as part of it. Underneath she had on her bathing suit. Knowing that it was perfectly safe because the safety protocols were on, she backed up a few meters and then took a running jump off the ledge, diving over the edge towards the body of water below. Climbing might be fun, but this was the real adrenaline rush. Falling took a little time, though it was still only a matter of seconds, and though if she had done that anywhere besides the holodeck her neck, back, and entire body probably would have been broken, the settings of the holodeck allowed that it was safe and painless, though she did feel the slap and pressure of entering the water at such a high velocity. The force of her impact did take her over halfway to the bottom of the lake, and she kept her eyes open as she swam to the surface. She then began to just swim around, then to float. After a while she swam over to a near by bank and then climbed out. She ended the program, picked up and stowed her gear again, dried off, got dressed again, and left.

When she got back to her quarters she showered and changed again, then read her mail and wrote a letter to her family. Then she left again and went down to the 2 story lounge for supper. Perhaps there she would find some company.

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Chapter 2

{Captain's Ready Room}

Priscilla covered her face with her hands for a few moments to let her eyes rest. For a fleeting moment she almost made herself believe that when she removed her hands all the PADDs stacked on her desk would be gone. She knew it wasn't true, yet when she opened her eyes to look she couldn't help but sigh heavily. The PADDs were piling up faster than she could go through them.

Priscilla poured herself a new cup of tea and reached for the next PADD. She barely read through the second paragraph before shaking her head in disappointment. (I can't believe this is happening,) she thought. She discarded the PADD for another, scanned through it, and repeated the process a couple times. Soon she found herself not even reading them, but only looking at who had written each and judging the length. (I really should be reading everything,) she chastised herself.

"But it's all just the same posturing, name calling, and finger pointing, only with different styles!" she argued aloud with herself. Disgusted, she stood and paced for a minute. Finally she collected a few key PADDs she felt had some relevant information on them and headed out onto the Bridge.


Yuri looked up as Priscilla entered, trying to judge her mood, perhaps even her thoughts. Other than a well hidden look of annoyance that only shined in her eyes, he couldn't discern much. He knew she had been working for the last few days as a mediator between the Admirals in the sector. Had it been him, he would have given up on them after the first day. He couldn't quite understand how she was able to put up with all the politicking and diplomacy. At times he might even swear she enjoyed such things. As she offered him a PADD from the small pile she was carrying, he was sure this was not one of those times.

"How is it going between them?" he asked, accepting the PADD.

"From bad to worse," she replied. She handed him a second PADD, keyed up to a specific section of text as she continued: "The investigation has spread to all levels and all branches of Starfleet Command. I believe the Chief of Starfleet Operations is about to order West, Star, and Seldon temporarily relieved of duty, pending the outcome of the investigation."

He nodded as he listened and looked over the two PADDs. When he was done, she handed him a third and they began to discuss it all. Just then, an officer approached with a new PADD for the Captain. She accepted it with a "Thank You" and glanced at it as she spoke with Yuri.

The PADD indicated its contents were for Lt. Stembridge. She immediately called the officer back.

"Why did you give this to me?"

"I was directed to give it to you if I could not immediately find Lt. Stembridge," she replied.

"He's not here. He began personal leave two days ago," she informed the officer, handing the PADD back. The officer almost had hold of it when Priscilla noticed the mark of Starfleet Intelligence on it and pulled the PADD back. She tried to open the message, and was prompted for her command code. She entered it, and apparently the PADD was set to give her access as the message appeared. She read it fully, then rechecked everything on it, confused.

"This message was written five days ago," she said to the officer with authority intentionally in voice. "Why did it take so long to get here?"

"I- I- I don't know," she stammered. She was just on mail duty, she hadn't expected an interrogation. Realizing that, Priscilla softened her expression.

"Better late than never, I suppose," she replied. "Thank you, you're dismissed."

The officer nodded once and left. Except for the new message, Priscilla handed the rest of the PADDS she was carrying to Yuri before heading back to her ready room.

{Captain's Ready Room - Minutes later}

"Finally," Priscilla commented to the man that appeared on her screen.

"We had to be sure this channel was secure, Captain," the man replied, reminding her that she didn't have rank on him.

Not that he had rank on her either. "Captain," she began, reminding him of the same. "I understand the need for secrecy, but I don't understand this," she said holding up the PADD that had been meant for Stembridge.

"And what is that?" he asked.

"This," she explained looking through it again, "is a message from you-"

"Me?" he interrupted, knowing he hadn't sent her any messages recently.

"Not you specifically," she replied with a touch of sarcasm. "You as in Starfleet Intelligence. This message is for my Intelligence Officer, revoking his undercover orders."

"Alright," the other Captain said, leaning back. "That seems pretty straight forward. What don't you understand about it?"

Priscilla restrained herself from rolling her eyes, or gritting her teeth. "Because it was sent to him five days ago but only arrive five minutes ago!" The other Captain shifted in his chair. Hardly the reaction Priscilla expected.

"By your tone, I take it he left before receiving that."

"Two days ago," Priscilla replied.

"I see..."

Priscilla only waited a couple seconds before prompting her counterpart for an explanation. "Why did this happen?"

The man pursed his lips as he thought of the best way to answer her question. "I don't know what exactly caused the delay," he said.

"You're evading something," Priscilla commented to him.

"What do you mean?" he asked innocently.

"Cut the act, Captain. I know how to read body language and I know you. There's something you're not telling me. And the fact that you seemed more nervous than surprised to her my officer is missing- you know something, and it worries me."

"You have every right to be worried Captain," was his only response.

Priscilla leaned forward. "Robert," she began, taking the conversation from official to personal. "You owe me a favor, and not a very small one. If I have to, I'll call it in on this."

"Priscilla, please."

"Where's my officer, Robert? What happened?"

"I really shouldn't..."

"Robert!" she demanded.

"Alright, alright," he finally acquiesced. "Look, you know what's going on in the top brass."

"Yeeesss," she agreed with suspicion.

"It's bigger than many know. Every department is being affected. Orders, transfers, messages, and other things have been held up or lost during the "upheaval." Even Intelligence is feeling the effects."

"Wait a minute, are you saying you *lost* my intelligence officer?"

"In a manner of speaking."

"In an actual manner!" she exclaimed in disbelief. Robert sighed. She suddenly had a realization. "There's more... isn't there."

Robert nodded slowly and lowered his voice for some reason. "He isn't the only officer who's gotten lost in the shuffle. Some didn't get caught before they went on their missions, some didn't get picked up when they were supposed to..."

"How many?" she asked quietly.

"All in all there are at least a dozen unaccounted for," he replied.

"A dozen?" she asked with a measure of surprise.

"At least," he confirmed. "Three of which were working on the same "project" as Lt. Stembridge. Two that were supposed to be replaced, and Lt. Stembridge and another who were supposed to replace them."

"What's going to happen to them?" she asked.

"Unknown," he replied.


"Typically, undercover operatives will lay low until they are retrieved."

"But?" Priscilla asked. She felt like she was pulling teeth, but at least she was getting answers.

"The last report Intelligence received on this project was a week ago from one of the two undercover operatives already in place. The only part that was able to be recovered from the garbled message was that some sort of hostility had broken out. We believe they are in deadly danger if they are discovered."

"So go get them," Priscilla said, suggesting the seemingly obvious.

"It's not that simple, Priscilla," he said shaking his head. "Starfleet can't just waltz in and pick them up. Intelligence don't have the resources in that area to mount a secret rescue attempt, and no one up there will give authorization for us to use anything else."

"So that's it?" she asked.

"I'm afraid so."

"You're not even going to try?"

"There's nothing I can do. No one's listening, they're all dealing with the investigation. I'm very sorry for the loss of your officer-"

"Robert, don't patronize me," she said with resignment in her voice.

"Before we say good bye. I must remind you that all this information is classified," he warned.

"I know, Captain, I know," she said nodding.

"It was good to hear from you, Captain," Robert said officially. "Next time let's see if we can make it under better circumstances."

"Agreed," Priscilla replied.

{Bridge - Morning of the next day}

"Report," Priscilla ordered as she approached her station.

"We have just cleared starbase and are getting under way," Yuri replied, relinquishing the command chair.

"Very good. Conn, set course for the Cardassian-Federation demilitarized zone, Warp factor 5."

"Aye, Captain," Ryan replied, her hands moving across her console.

Yuri and Priscilla sat down at the same time.

"Our orders, Captain?" Yuri asked.

"Deep space patrol, beginning at the demilitarized zone. Command is worried that with everything going on in the Admiralty, someone might try to make a move. They want a minor show of force in all key areas, just to let the other powers know that we are still operating normally and keeping an eye on them."

"Of course," Yuri replied. "More posturing."

Priscilla stifled a laugh, but not the smile. "Engage," she said to Ryan.

{Astrometrics - Later that day}

After her Bridge shift had ended, Priscilla had headed directly to Astrometrics. She entered and looked around. There was only one person on duty, as expected. Ensign Alls Ryuk looked up.

"Captain!" he said surprised. "Can I help you?"

"Yes. Border patrol gets old very fast. I was wondering if there is anything of scientific note along our route that we might be interested in checking out while we're out there. Just to have something to look forward to," she explained.

"Ah, yes," he replied with a smile. For the next couple of hours he happily went through the possibilities with her. They looked at the data on many anomalies, nebulas, and star systems and came up with several possibilities of things that had yet to be explored.

Satisfied with their findings, Priscilla left the Ensign with a smile and a "Thank You."

{Conference Room - 0900 hours}

Priscilla took her seat and looked around the table at her senior staff. As usual everyone was present for the daily meeting, except her Intelligence Officer. She sat quietly while everyone gave their department's, the crew's, and the ship's statuses. Then it was her turn. She stood and turned on the viewer in the wall, calling up a star chart.

"Lt. Cmdr. Sable, when you return to your station I want you to set course for this nebula," she said pointing.

"That's a very uninteresting nebula," Ryan commented. "We already know everything about it. May I ask why we're going there?"

"You may," Priscilla replied. "We are going there to keep our civilians safe."

"Sir?" half the staff around the table asked, the rest bestowing confused looks upon her.

Priscilla sat down before she began her explanation. "What I am about to tell you will not leave this room until are mission is underway."

"Aren't we already on our mission, Captain?" Yuri asked.

"The one I arranged for Starfleet to give us, yes," she replied. Then she recounted the information she had gained from her conversation with Starfleet Intelligence. Her staff sat in a mixture of shock and disbelief.

"Lieutenant Stembridge was sent to pose as a Talarian for reconnaissance purposes, to gather information and keep an eye on them. All we know is that he and his partner are, or possibly already have unknowingly walked into a dangerous and potentially deadly situation. One that two other officers are already in the middle of," she finished.

"I take it you intend to do something about that," Yuri said.

"Yes Commander, I do," Priscilla replied. "These officers were lost in a beurocratic shuffle. It's appalling. Status and position has become more important than the lives of our own people! I won't stand for it. So I'm going to take the Griffin to bring those officers back." She paused for a moment to let her words sink in.

"This mission is completely unauthorized. Our objective is to somehow find and contact the Intelligence officers without blowing their covers, AND gather all information possible on whatever is going on in this place to bring back to Starfleet. We are a Special Operations ship, so this shouldn't be *too* hard. If any of you don't agree with me, I will leave you with the saucer section."

She looked around the table, awaiting a response.

Hearing no objection, and with a confirming nod from Ivanof, She continued.

"Here's the plan," Priscilla said turning back to the star chart. "Where supposed to be out of direct communications range while on patrol, so no one will be expecting to be able to contact us. The ship will be separated to keep the civilians safe. The saucer section will be left in this nebula to keep it undetectable on long range sensors, and will be ordered to keep communications silence for two weeks or until the star drive section returns, whichever comes first." She turned back to face her senior staff.

"The most direct route to Talarian space is through the Demilitarized zone. And crossing into Talarian space, while not an automatic act of war, can provoke one. Therefore, once we drop off the saucer section, the star drive section will be running under the TCD during the entire mission.

"Lieutenant McInnis, leave three of your staff on the saucer section. Otherwise your primary responsibility is keeping all systems running, especially the TCD and weapons. We *cannot* be seen.

"Lieutenant Travin, none of your staff is to remain on the saucer section. We may need every Security trained officer we can get. Some will probably be going undercover. Security on the saucer section will be taken over by command staff. Brief them on anything they need to know.

"Doctor O'Roarke, leave three of your staff on the saucer section, and appoint civilians as support staff if necessary. But your primary concern is to learn Talarian physiology. Also figure out how to make someone look, and if possible detect, as one. We may have to send some people undercover.

"Commander Daem, your primary responsibility is to go through the data in the computer and learn as much about the Talarians as possible. Their society, their habits, what makes them tick. If we go undercover, we need to know how to act.

"Commander Sable, choose one other officer besides yourself. The two of you will be responsible for piloting the star drive section and making sure we avoid all possibilities of detection.

"Commander Ivanof, you and I have preparation work to do. And remember people, not a word of this to any who do not need to know to accomplish the mission. Those who come on the star drive section will be told once we've separated."

Priscilla looked around at her staff, knowing they would work to the best of their abilities. "Dismissed."

{Battle Bridge, 13:00 Hours}

The nebula's blue and purple clouds coursed over the Griffin’s hull as she entered the nebula. On the Battle Bridge, Priscilla was preparing to see which of her senior staff would stay behind. None had objected in the conference room, but she wouldn’t blame anyone if they did not report before separation. After all, this was a mission that could get most of her crew court marshaled.

As the computer quietly chimed the hour the doors to the turbolift opened. Ivanof, followed by Travin, Sable, McInnis, Daem, and O’Roarke entered the battle bridge.

“Captain. All senior staff and divisions reporting for duty,” said Ivanof.

“Then Commander. Take us out of the nebula.”

“Aye sir. Commander Sable. Initiate saucer separation on my mark,” said Ivanof.

“Saucer section states all stations ready.”

“Initiate separation sequence. Lt. McInnis, once we are clear of the Saucer, engage the TCD.” As Ivanof completed his statement they all could feel the vibration as the clamps disconnected and the inertial dampers modulate for the difference in the masses of the two ships.

“TCD engaged,” McInnis stated. “Operating within normal parameters, Commander.”

“Excellent. Captain. What course?” said Ivanof.

“I have been monitoring the border scans between the federation and the Talarians. The least populated quadrant is along course 203 mark 45. Set course. Lt. McInnis, do we have a limit on our warp speed with the TCD engaged?”

“I would recommend warp 5 commander. We should only use higher speeds as an escape tactic. Which if we need to use those speeds we’ve been detected anyway.”

“Very well. Helm, Warp five. Engage.”

The Griffin leaped out of the nebula en route to reclaim the Federation’s forgotten.

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Chapter 3

{Personal Quarters of Ryan Sable}

The letter from her father lay lonely upon her desk like a single, fallen leaf. The words gazing up expectantly as though in wait for the sky to fall and cover them from knowledge, yet remaining cherished and protected; their message bittersweet. From her seat, placed at an angle to the desk, Ryan was silent in a recondite and intensive pondering, her eyes sealed to the shining surface of the padd, the proverbial mirror of all her sorrow.

"My Dearest Ryan . . .

My Dearest Baby Girl . . .

My Precious Little Ryan,

I have the last picture of you, with Mom, with me. It's cracked, faded now. I can still see you both smiling in it; Mom's holding you close.... Your hair was curly, resting on shoulders ... a beautiful sandy blonde. Do you still look the same? It's been so long...so long since I...left. You were just starting at the Academy then. I was so proud of you, am so proud. My precious child. How much have you grown? I have missed so much; I have missed you so much!

Times have grown slow and difficult since I lost contact with you. I remember the day before I entered that wormhole. The one the Acari had stumbled on all those years ago. We both knew there was a chance that we would lose contact . . . I tried to come back, tried to get back through . . . But I was captured, a prisoner of war. There was not a day that passed without fear that I had caused you to despair; believing that I was lost to you forever . . . Dead. That I left you alone in the world . . .

I was rescued by Predire Kuaren. The base in which I was kept was under siege for eleven years before they surrendered. I joined the Predire's forces, and in exchange she gave me supplies and her services to aide the search for your mother. It took six long years of empty leads ... but I've finally found her! And she is alive! She is being held in BaraDemnor, the stronghold of Strur . . .

I am sure that Predire Emir has told you of Predire Kuaren's fate . . . but not how it occurred . . . I asked her to give me the means to secretly break into BaraDemnor, but she refused. Instead, she lead an assault against the fortress. I tried to convince her otherwise, but she was determined . . . We were turned back, and the Predire Kuaren was slain by Strur . . . And your mother still remains trapped within BaraDemnor . . .

Predire Kuaren was a great leader, Ryan. I am sad for the loss, but Predire Emir is far more troubled than I. I can see it in his face. It was a hard blow against their people.

I am gathering together more men and supplies. I am going to get your mother out of that place. I have asked Predire Emir for his help, but he seems reluctant. I do not blame him, he has many lives to protect. He is the Predire now. But with or without his help, I will have you and your mother back in my arms ... I know the time is not far off now, that we will be together again, soon. I can feel it. Do not give up hope . . . I have not. You have always been within my thoughts and heart . . . Remember you are my precious little baby girl, my only daughter . . .

I love you, always.


It had been nearly two decades since the last time Ryan had seen his face or heard his voice, and the memories she still had were fading from her grasp. She picked up the padd, trying to recreate his voice in her head, reading the letter to herself again and again until she knew her heart might burst against the frustration and sorrow. Weary, she brushed a hand through her soft brunette hair, the few blonde strands that remained melting into the warm chestnut color. She stood solemnly, leaving the padd behind her on the desk and walked slowly to the windows, the stars whispering past in rainbows.

Her father was far away, lost in the depths of those stars and his sorrows, determined to rescue her mother; and yet here, she now found herself rushing to the rescue of others, her own misery refreshed, her resolve strong. Like father ... like daughter ...

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Chapter 4

{Briefing Room, Star Drive}

Jaquelle had gotten to the briefing room early to program visuals of her report. She always thought "show and tell" was more interesting than the "talking head" approach, especially in a report as long as hers. She had spent all of her time since the Captain's briefing on the report. It had taken her mind off of the last conversation she had with Stembridge.

She had wanted to talk to Captain Myst about his observation concerning the captain, but Captain Myst had been thrown immediately into the role of mediator. Jaquelle could sense that she was having a difficult time and chose to wait to talk with her. Then Stembridge had been quickly reassigned which bothered Jaquelle even more. And now he was "lost."

Lt. McInnis, as always was the first person into the room. He was mildly surprise to see Jaquelle there before him.

"Good morning, Lt." Jaquelle said as she looked up from her thoughts.

"Counselor," he responded as he went straight to his seat. Jaquelle sensed that he was almost intentionally avoiding her. Before she could think about why, others came into the room and she quickly finished her input. Last into the room, as always was Captain Myst.

"Commander, I see you are ready for your report, please" Captain Myst motioned for her to begin. Jaquelle handed both Capt. Myst and Commander Ivanof a copy of her full research on padds before she started. She then called up a picture of Talaria and the star field surrounding the area to the view screen.

"The Talarians are a space-faring race whose home planet, Talaria is a Class-M world located in the Alpha Quadrant whose space borders the Cardassian and Federation's," Daem stated. "They are a formidable warrior race, with a long and proud history, and have achieved a level of technological sophistication not far short of Starfleet's. The first encounter between the Federation and the Talarians occurred in the 2350's during the Galen Border Conflicts. At that time, the Talarians launched attacks against a number of the Federation colonies located in the disputed zone." Jaquelle changed the view to the location of the colonies. "These skirmishes culminated in an attack on the Federation colony, Galen IV. The hostilities ended when the federation and the Talarians reached a peace agreement."

"Physically, the Talarians are humanoid," Jaquelle flashes a picture of them on the screen. "But they are characterized by different types of physiognomy. The dominant strand of the race resembles humans in most respects. The males have receding hairlines, while both sexes feature cranial ridges and bumps that start at the forehead, continue back over the top of the head and end at the base of the neck. Most adult males also exhibit facial hair."(ST:TNG Suddenly Human)

"Another Talarian type looks strikingly different," Jaquelle said while changing the picture. "This indicates that there are either different races inhabiting the same planet or interspecies breeding. These humanoids are hairless, and exhibit cranial ridges that cover much of the face as well as the head. In addition, they have four nostrils, one pair situated above the other. (ST:DS9: "Improbable Cause")

"I have plotted the features of both for you Dr. to help in developing disguises." Jaquelle hands a padd to Dr. O'Roarke. "I suggest you use the dominant race." Jaquelle changes the picture, that zooms to highlighted areas as she talks about them.

"The Talarian military uniforms comprise black pants and shirts, with a padded brown over mantle worn as an outer jacket. Youths wear a jacket that finishes at the waist, while adults usually wear a longer version. Rank is displayed on the right shoulder. Talarians always wear gloves in order to prevent direct contact with alien species."

Jaquelle handed a padd to Lt. Travin. "The Talarians possess a strong military, but their ships are typically smaller and less powerful than Galaxy-class starships." Jaquelle put up a picture of the Talarian warship, changing screens to show the features as she discusses them. "Talarian warships," she continued, "feature an array of weapons including neutral particle weapons, high energy x-ray lasers, and merculite rockets."

Jaquelle changed the picture. "The Talarians also have small Observation Craft that are just larger that a shuttle craft." She changed the picture again. "We also know that the freighter Batris had a Talarian registry." (ST:TNG: "Heart of Glory") Jaquelle hands a padd with engine configurations to Lt. McInnis.

"Even when outgunned, the Talarians are formidable warriors. They are as comfortable using proven military strategy, such as the classic attack posture of triangular envelopment, as with more guerrilla-style tactics. In an example of this, the Talarians during the Galen Border Conflicts, abandoned observation craft, rigged them to self-destruct with a subspace proximity detonator, and then sent out a general distress call. The detonator is undetectable by scans, and the ship would self-destruct when someone beamed aboard. This tactic was extremely successful and claimed 219 lives in the course of three days." Jaquelle handed Sable a padd. "These are the attack formations they have been known to use, and all we know concerning modifications needed to scans, I'm sure you will develop more.

"The Talarian society is rigidly patriarchal. The females of the species are always subservient to the males. No female can outrank a male in the Talarian military, and, indeed, females are not in evidence in the various groups encountered by Starfleet." Jaquelle looked at Captain Myst and the others. "Captain, I'm afraid that this means you will not be able to command any undercover operation, and most important, Lt. Travin cannot outwardly be in charge of security."

Jaquelle continued. "Males are brought up to be warriors. Most young men face dangerous physical challenges as part of organized games, as well as individually. It is not uncommon for young males to have sustained many serious injuries by the time they reach adulthood. From an early age, Talarians are taught that pain does not matter, and that passing physical tests and gaining approval are everything.

"When they turn 14, Talarian males are considered to have reached the Age of Decision. They then undergo a serious initiation rite, after which they are free to make their own decisions in life. Most males enter the military where they undergo intense training. They are sent out in small groups in observation starships to fend for themselves, and are set a series of mission objectives to accomplish.

"As far as the way they tick, Captain." Jaquelle was just getting her second wind. "Young Talarians are taught to be ruthless to their enemies. They are also taught that surrender is not an alternative, and that any belief worth having is worth fighting to the death over. The Talarians are used to a bivouac style of military living, and prefer simple hammock-style bedding to more conventional beds and mattresses. They like dark surroundings, and speak little to outsiders. The Talarian military reflects the warrior codes of the society and the rules for behavior are stringent. For example, attacking a superior officer is an offense punishable by death."

"Whoa," Commander Ivanof commented. "They sound extremely savage." Lt. McInnis just thought that possibly it was lucky he was not a member of the Talarian military.

"Not at all, Commander," Jaquelle responded. "In fact they are very sensitive, and capable of great love and tenderness, often showing affection by touching forehead to forehead. In particular, the bond between father and son is very strong. The race places such importance on the paternal role that Talarian custom dictates that a victor may claim the son of a slain enemy as one of his own family.

"The bond between unrelated Talarians can be almost as strong as that between family. Young males often view other males as brothers, and can become agitated and distressed when separated from their group. They mourn the separation as a loss equivalent to death. During a period of separation or mourning, the Talarians often practice the B'Nar; a rhythmic, high pitched wailing that is accompanied by a rocking motion." Jaquelle started playing some of the wailing softly and then let it rise to the normal heightened sound of the B'Nar.

After a moment she screamed over the sound, "This can last for hours."

Jaquelle stopped the sound and looked around. "Any questions?" No one responded. "Oh too bad, because there is also this quirky little legal case concerning the Talarians, but I suppose I'll leave that to you for some bedtime reading. I've included it on your padds," she said.

Galactic Court for Race Name Conflict Resolution
(known as GalCouRaNaConRes, for short).

On stardate 31324, lawyers argued "Tarellians vs. Tarellians" before Arbiter Bud Thlooszwir. The Tarellians (hereafter known as Tarellians A) were a dying race, infected by their own bio-genetically engineered virus (OFF SEE ST:TNG "Haven" ON). The other Tarellians (known to us as Talarians, hereafter known as Tarellians B) were a warlike race, vibrant and strong. During the closing statements, the Tarellian B lawyer argued masterfully that it was a waste of money for the Tarellian B people to change their name when the Tarellian A race was dying out anyway. He sited precedence from "Fimpla vs. Fimpla," "Nidstfo vs. Nidstfo" and "Zstadreinofrosmoi vs. Zstadreinofrosmoi." After listening to all sides, however, Arbiter Thlooszwir compassionately ruled in favor of the Tarellian A race. Tarellian B begrudgingly adopted the name "Talarian." Two years later, the Altsians destroyed the last known Tarellian vessel. Immediately, the Talarians filled once more for the name, 'Tarellian.' In fact, they made their request the day before the Altsians destroyed the last Tarellian vessel. (Surprisingly, no one has questioned the Talarians on this point.) Since he didn't think any Tarellians still existed, Arbiter Bud Thlooszwir approved the Talarian request as his last act before retirement. The Talarians became Tarellians once again. (Interestingly, sources on Terelus 2 indicate that the newly renamed Tarellians never bothered to change any of their internal publications to "Talarian." They seemed to know they would soon be changing back). The final chapter in this story began when the Enterprise came in contact with a Tarellian A vessel. After Dr. Wyatt Miller healed the last survivors, these Tarellians petitioned again to get their name back from the Tarellians who had become Talarians but recently changed back to Tarellians. Incredibly, the Arbiter who inherited the case, Oops Gavelnod, ruled in favor of the eight survivors of Tarellian A race. Suspicion later increased when Arbiter Gavelnod suddenly resigned and declared he was becoming a representative for Galaxy-Way. The Tarellian B lawyer appealed the ruling but the governing body of GalCouRaNaConRes determined that Arbiter Gavelnod's last ruling should stand so the Tarellians who had become Talarians but recently changed back to Tarellians became Talarians once again.

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Chapter 5

Rinali looked once again at her reflection in the mirror, checking its movements against her own, just to be sure. She had never been "disguised" before and she wasn't certain that she liked it. She raised her eyebrows and watched the skin around her new cranial ridges contort in a very natural fashion. Dr. O'Roarke had done an impeccable job. This new mission was not a particularly appealing one from a just-promoted officer's point of view. Normally, Rinali would have been quick to challenge any captain who would dare to defy Starfleet. But this was an unusual situation. Starfleet was in disarray for reasons that Rinali didn't really understand and hadn't bothered to ask about it. In her mind, the admiralty's job was to coordinate the efforts of the ships, keep the peace, and make decisions when necessary. Right now, the admiralty was acting as hindrance to necessary actions. Rinali did not object to defying them under these circumstances.

She did, of course, have qualms about posing as a species in which she would be regarded as an inferior. Captain Myst had foreseen this problem and made a point to speak with Rinali about it.

"I realize this won't be easy for you," the captain had told her. "Before we actually go undercover, we should work out some way to keep you in command of security without it appearing that way."

The actual assignments for the mission, including who would be in command, hadn't been decided yet. But Rinali had prepared a PADD containing basic information she thought important and the research she had done on Talarian fighting tactics for her temporary successor. She had also sent everything she could find on Talarian ship combat to Lt. McInnis, just so he would know what they might be up against.

It was going to be a tough mission. And normally, Rinali would have been in a dark mood about taking on the role of subservient female. But in spite of the possible danger ahead, Rinali remained in a good mood. Trosk's words were still fresh in her mind and more than anything that had come before, they affirmed that she was not merely accepted, but outright welcomed in her adoptive family. No temporary role she would play could outweigh the strength of those words. Rinali knew her place in the world.

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Chapter 6

{Talaria, somewhere}

Stembridge dove into the relative safety provided by the not-so-sturdy cover his partner had taken refuge behind moments before. He narrowly avoided the weapons' fire that seemed determined to take his head, sacrificing his shoulder to the rock solid ground instead. His entire arm screamed pain in protest to the landing before going numb. But that was the least of his worries at the moment.

"What the hell are they firing at us for!?!" he exclaimed to his partner.

"I wish I knew!" was the other man's bewildered reply. "We have to get out of here!"

"Really?" Stembridge asked, his voice dripping with sarcasm. His partner threw him back a dirty look in reply.

"Come on," the other man ordered, "the city's this way."

{City Center}

"Dead Astern," one Talarian said quietly to another standing next to him. The second casually scanned around as if he was looking for someone in particular, but unable to find that person.

"Are you sure they're not Talarian?" the second asked only loud enough for the taller Talarian at his side to hear.

"Absolutely," was the reply. "Do you disagree?"

"No. But I'm not so sure I agree either."

"Then let's make you sure and find out," the taller replied. "Come on."

The two Talarians looked around one last time, the taller shrugged to the other, and they headed off from their street corner as if someone had missed an appointment with them. They walked side by side, not too quickly or too slowly, conversing in low voices. As they approached the area the taller had indicated minutes before, two figures the two Talarians had questioned the identity of snapped to attention.

"At least they know how to act around rank," the taller observed to the second Talarian, who simply nodded professionally. They both turned to face the two other men.

"Lost?" The taller Talarian asked of them.

Stembridge looked to his partner, clearly deferring an answer to him.

"No sir," he replied.

"Then you can explain your presence in this restricted area fast enough to keep you alive," the shorter, and higher ranking, Talarian stated flatly.

"Yes sir," he replied, and began to fabricate a hopefully believable answer. "My partner and I-"

"At ease Lieutenant," the taller man interrupted with a wave of his hand. Stembridge's partner reflexively put his hands behind his back and stood with his feet apart before he realized what he was doing. Stembridge looked warily at the taller Talarian trying to judge if he could take the man despite his lame arm, as it seemed things were about to come down to a physical confrontation... again. How did the Talarian know they would respond to that rank title, or even what it was?

"You were right," the higher ranking Talarian said quietly. "Starfleet."

"How?-", "Who are you?", Stembridge and his partner asked softly, hoping for the best and fearing the worst.

"Your predecessors," the taller Talarian said. "Now hush up and follow us," he ordered.

"You have to get off the streets before you're discovered," the second Talarian explained, "or you'll be a lot worse off than just a dislocated shoulder," he said nodding towards Stembridge's limp arm.

Stembridge and his partner looked at each other as the two undercover Talarian officers turned heel and headed off. They quickly followed after.

{Casual Restaurant in the city}

After the four had settled into a private booth and given their orders, Stembridge's partner looked across the table.

"What happened?" he asked.

"We're not sure," the shorter man replied. "But our lookout post was destroyed in the riot that ensued... along with your identities."

"Great, just great," Stembridge's partner said with a shake of his head.

"As far as I've been informed, even the local government isn't certain of all the factors at play right now. In an attempt to keep riots within the city to a minimum, certain areas have been restricted to those of varying ranks and there is a night curfew in place. But outside the city is anyone's guess. It's almost at the point of constant fighting going on."

"We barely got out a message to Command before we had to abandon everything," the taller officer added. "But we did make sure there was nothing to be found that might indicate a Starfleet presence here. So imagine our surprise when we hear that there might be undercover operatives from an alien government." He looked from Stembridge to Stembridge's partner with raised eyebrows. "At least they don't know what outsider race to look for. Yet."

"Hey, *you* were supposed to meet us and brief us on this part of the mission," Stembridge countered.

"*YOU* weren't supposed to come!" the shorter officer retorted. "Now keep your voices down!" Then he lowered his own. "We know our message was received, it was even acknowledged by the independent relay."

"You're lucky we were even still here to find you first!" the taller man added as forcefully as his whisper would allow.

"What do you mean?" Stembridge's partner asked.

"Our out *and* the emergency pickup we requested both failed to meet us a week ago," the shorter man explained.

"So we're stuck with no out, no way to communicate with Command, and unknown forces attacking random people for unknown reasons?" Stembridge's partner asked as a confirmation summary of what he had just been told.

"And only two identities between the four of us for dealing with officials within the city," Stembridge added.

"What I don't understand is why Command sent you two even after receiving our message," the shorter officer mused.

"And why our contacts failed to meet us," the taller officer tossed in.

"Something strange is going on," Stembridge commented.

"In many places, it seems," shorter man replied.

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Chapter 7

{Battle Bridge}

Jaquelle had been busy in the past few days. She along with Lt. Travin were conducting sessions in the holodecks to train crew who might be sent to Talaria. In addition, Dr. O'Roarke's work in plastic surgery had made so many look like Talarians that even when they were encountered in the corridors of the ship, crew members were almost treated as if they were Talarians.

Today, Jaquelle sat on the battle bridge for hours. Just monitoring the emotions of the crew, the space in front of her, even the ship itself. It was different, the Griffin that is... colder, quieter, something. Then again what they were traveling in wasn't really the ship at all. They had left the saucer section behind, along with a lot of the compliment of the ship. And they were traveling with a strange type of cloak that changed the very soul of the ship.

Jaquelle found that she really had not experienced the boredom that usually accompanies long stretches on the bridge when the ship was on route to an assignment. Instead her mind was drifting back to the last conversation she had with Stembridge. He had not been very flattering about the ability of the Captain to command. At that time she thought it was a conflict between Stembridge and Commander Ivanof. Now she had questions. Why was she not consulted about the transfer of Stembridge? After all next to Ivanof, the crew was her responsibility. If there was a problem she should have been brought in to mediate. And transfers just shouldn't be made without at least a notification to her.

And now there was this unauthorized mission. The crew had readily followed the Captain. Maybe because of their training, maybe because Captain Myst had been a fine first officer on the Griffin and many including Jaquelle had been a part of that crew, so of course they would follow her. Others who had not served with her, knew of her through those who had. But there were doubts among even some of the highest in the ranks. They had been usually quiet and guarded in the past few days, but Jaquelle could sense their doubts. What Captain Myst was doing flies in the face of the actions of any captain dedicated to Starfleet. Jaquelle knew she had to talk with the Captain, and it had to be today. The ship was scheduled to be in Talarian space with in the next 24 hours.

Commander Ivanof was currently in charge on the bridge. Jaquelle decided this was not the place to contact the Captain, but now might be a good time to talk to her. She stood up, silently nodded to Ivanof and left for the turbo lift. When she got to her office, Jaquelle asked:

"Computer, where is Captain Myst?"

"Captain Myst is in Astrophysics," came the same cold voice of the computer.

Jaquelle reasoned that she should not talk with her there but that there was no reason not to contact her.

"Captain Myst, Counselor Daem here," Jaquelle said aloud.

"Yes Counselor," came back the voice of Captain Myst.

"At your convenience, my I talk with you in the conference room?" Jaquelle queried.
Captain Myst hesitated for a second then answered,

"Can I meet you in about an hour?"

"That would be fine," Jaquelle answered.

Jaquelle returned to the bridge. As she was about to resume her seat, Lt. Commander Sable turned to Ivanof with a surprised look on her face:

"We have an incoming message."

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Chapter 8

{Griffin, Battle Bridge}

"How can we have an incoming message?" Priscilla asked as she stepped out of the star drive section's small turbolift and headed to her chair.

"It's from the saucer section," Ivanof replied, relaying the information Sable had just given him.

"We're running silent, and so are they..." Priscilla thought aloud.

"If we answer it, we risk revealing our presence to the Talarians," Ivanof observed. Priscilla looked at him.

"... but they know that, so it must be important," she finished. "On screen," she ordered, "and let's hope there aren't any Talarians paying attention."

The bridge of the saucer section filled the view screen. The Ensign sitting at the ops station looked up, seemingly a bit nervous. The Lieutenant in command stood up from the command chair and began speaking.

"Captain, I know we're supposed to observe communication silence, but we received a priority one encrypted communication for you a couple hours ago. It was sent in our general direction, not specifically to the ship, so they don't know where we are or if we received it. But it's flagged all over with how important it is, and it's from Intelligence. I thought it worth the risk to send it to you."

"Very well," Priscilla answered. "Send it, and quickly, the less we're in contact the less the risk of detection."

"Receiving a transmission," Sable said almost immediately.

"Transmission complete," she said a couple seconds later.

"Cut communications," Priscilla ordered as she moved to sit in her chair to read the message.

{Two hours later, Conference Room}

"Thanks to the communication from a friend of mine at Intelligence," Priscilla began, "we now know where the first two officers were stationed and what their Talarian identities are. The message also contained where the rendezvous point for the officers was supposed to be. If they're smart, Stembridge and his partner are probably not near there any more, but it's one place to start. The other two places are the location of the lookout post they had established and the homes of their assumed identities." Priscilla held out a PADD to Rinali. "Lt. Travin, divide your people into three teams and assign one of these three locations to each." Then she turned to Jaquelle. "Commander Deam?"

"Everyone has gone through my training and can act at least well enough to pass as Talarian," she reported.

"Good," Priscilla replied with an approving nod. "Lieutenant O'Roarke?"

"Everyone who's going down has spent at least 12 hours as a Talarian by now," she reported.

"Good," Priscilla replied. "Commander Sable, how long until we arrive?"

"Five hours," she replied.

"Okay people, let's be ready. I want to be in and out and have those men home in time for supper."

{Five hours later}

Despite occasional problems with the power demand the TCD placed on the ship, and with only one scare of it possibly failing, the star drive of the Griffin slipped silently and unnoticed into orbit around Talaria.

After finding suitable transport sites out of sight on the surface, the away teams were sent down. One by one they began to report in. The first saying the lookout post was utterly destroyed, there was even no trace of anything or anyone Starfleet ever being there. The second saying the rendezvous site was almost directly in the middle of hostile territory. While none of that away team had been killed, a couple sustained injuries. They also stated they were careful to not kill any of those firing on them, and they were sure they had not been discovered. The third away team reported that no one was answering at any of the homes, however their tricorders clearly indicated there were two, and only two, people in one of the homes, both human.

Priscilla ordered the two humans beamed up, who turned out to be Stembridge and his partner. After being updated by the two of them, Priscilla allowed them to go back down and, since they had a week or so worth's of experience in the city, each lead an away team in search for the other two officers.

Things went very smoothly. All the away teams and the four officers were recovered, with only moderate injuries, and without revealing the presence of Starfleet. The Intelligence officers did mention that there were more than rumors going around of an alien presence on the planet, however they firmly believed it was not any federation race. Other than that, they flat out refused to give Priscilla any information they had gathered, such as what aliens were being uncovered. But knowing that Talarians are partially xenophobic, it followed that such discoveries were leading to open hostilities.

The star drive section immediately headed back to Federation space. Once it reached the nebula the saucer section was waiting in, the two parts docked back into a whole ship. It wasn't until that moment that the tension surrounding the whole mission was lifted and people began to feel normal again.

Before the Griffin finished its "patrol" of the Cardassian-Federation Demilitarized zone border she returnied to starbase. There the ship dropped off the four Intelligence Officers to be debriefed by members of Starfleet Intelligence and Starfleet Security who had been sent to debrief them. At the same time, Priscilla was personally "invited" to a meeting to discuss her actions in taking the Griffin on its unauthorized mission.

When she arrived, she was pleasantly surprised to find Robert waiting for her.

"Don't worry about anything," he said.

"How's that?" she asked with a smile.

"We've let Command know that your were acting under our direct orders," he said simply.

"It's very kind of Intelligence to do that for me," she replied. "But why?"

"Because we needed to know what was going on on Talaria and you and your crew not only provided that for us, but you also returned all our officers safely. They're good men, we'd have hated to loose them."

Priscilla nodded thoughtfully. "I'm glad everything's worked out. I just have one question."

"And what's that?"

"How did you know what I was doing?"

Robert laughed. "Because I know you, Priscilla. You were pissed when you talked to me. I knew you wouldn't be able to just let things sit, you'd have to try and help somehow. It just took me a while to figure out what your best option was."

"Well, thank you for the information you sent, even though it risked everything. It was extremely helpful."

"You're Welcome," Robert replied.

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