Episode 21


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

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Chapter 1

{Sick Bay, DS-15}

Ensign Dumas sat in silent vigil over Vosch. She watched and hoped for any sign. She was told by the medical staff that he was okay, and from all signs would continue to be okay, however, Dumas would not be sure of this until she could see it for herself.

Captain Myst entered to check up on how her Assistant Science officer was doing. She looked over to the young ensign and saw the concern on her face. "Any changes, Terri?"

Ensign Dumas looked up. She was surprised at the maternal nature of the Captain's voice. She had heard that Captain Myst cared deeply for her crew, and at some points thought of them as her own surrogate children, in a manner of speaking. "No sir. He still has not moved since they brought him on board, Captain."

Myst walked over and looked over Vosch. His angelic countenance was paler and almost fainter then normal. Myst then put her arm around Terri's shoulders. "He'll be okay. I can feel it. If you want, we can wait together, after all we both have something in common with Vosch." Myst had hoped the tones of her voice would help reassure Ensign Dumas that Vosch was indeed going to be okay, and that using first names would ease the tensions.

Dumas looked up at Myst and no longer saw the Captain, but a truly caring and loving individual. "Common?" Dumas then turned her eyes from the Captain and back onto Vosch, "In what ways, common?"

Almost on cue, Montara entered the room. His movements were slowed with weakness and fatigue from the take down in Deck 49. Myst stepped back as he approached Vosch. Montara turned towards the two women, "Are you ready? Young Dumas, Vosch will need you for companionship in the aid of raising his young one." His look then solely focused on the Captain, "He will need your help for discipline and guidance." Montara then left his environmental suit which would be for the last time. For the first time since Captain Myst had first seen him during negotiations, his visage look calm and even somewhat at peace. A smile came across his face as he turned back towards Vosch, "If little Montara is as mischievous as I was, you will have your hands full."

Montara then leaned over his son. "Captain, it is time to call Dr. Stone. The baby will soon be here."

Myst looked towards Dumas and without a word the Ensign went to go get the doctor.

What Myst saw next was indescribable. Any attempt to do so would fall short of reality. Vosch opened his eyes and saw his father looking down at him. "Son," Montara said in a tone that could only be described as the voice of angels, "it is time." Myst watched in amazement as what was left of Montara's spirit leapt from him and into Vosch. At first it was somewhat frightening, but then exhilarating. Doctor Stone arrived just in time to see Vosch begin to writhe in pain and Montara's body collapse to the ground.

Dr. Stone went to check on Montara while calling for assistance. Myst wasn't sure how she knew or why she felt the urge, but something washed over her, "Doctor, deliver the baby. That is what is supposed to be done."

Dr. Stone looked up and without question began to work on Vosch. The medics pulled Montara's lifeless body out of the way. Dr. Stone then made the incision down the abdomen just as described in the medical records for Vosch's species, which was very similar to a C-Section for a human. He reached in and pulled out the child. It was only the size of the doctor's hands put together, but it radiated a light the rivaled many stars. The child's wings unwrapped and looked at who held it with it's, big blue eyes. After only a pause, he handed the child to Ensign Dumas with Captain Myst looking over her shoulder. Dr. Stone then went back to Vosch to close the incision and sedate him so he could rest and recover.

The Ensign held the baby over Vosch as the proud parent drifted off to sleep. "Vosch, here is Montara." The parent and the child smiled at one another and with that smile those present in the room knew that they had just witnessed something grand and special which would be ingrained in their memories for the rest of their lives.

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Chapter 2

{Griffin Sickbay}

Aiden behaved himself for the first few hours after Daem's visit, if only to digest all that she had said. As if raising a blade to a Sky Father wasn't enough, for the Klingon High Council to pull strings to have him pardoned....

Eventually, he let it fall away. Perhaps he'd write a letter or two when he was back in quarters to try to pry what else the High Council and the Blades might have in the offing for his future. Until then, there were other matters to attend to.

Ignoring the twinges in his legs from his long inactivity, he eased himself off the biobed. When the nurse looked in at the disruption in readings, he put his hand up to hold her off and then flashed his best "I'll behave" look. She folded her arms and stood there to watch him.

The smile didn't fade when he pulled up at the edge of 'Nat's bed, but the depths of emotion behind it intensified exponentially. He hesitated, not wanting to wake her. Despite the light discolorations of her skin reconstruction, she was as beautiful as he had ever seen her. There was a faint twinge in his chest as he watched her breathe, centered under the scar he had fought the doctors to keep. She had come to harm for his mad quest. Willingly, bravely... but her pain was from him in the end. Perhaps it should have saddened him, but nothing could penetrate the pride and love he felt now. If she would have him, he would pledge himself to her for all time.

"...Stop breathing so loud, Snowflake..." 'Nat mumbled, slowly focusing her good eye on his shining face. Aiden's smile faltered just slightly to see her other eyelid trembling at half mast, the orb beneath it as red as a command uniform. "Hey... put that look away, me'asana.... I'm gonna look really hot in an eye patch...."

"Only for a few days," Aiden chuckled. "You didn't have any pretty cuts, so I had them clear them all. No souvenirs, sorry."

"...But you've got one to keep, eh...?"

"It's not every day one collects a scar from a Sky Father."


"You bring out the worst in me, me'asana."

"...Hey... no crying...."

Aiden caught the tear on his cheek. "Sorry. Mourning the death of my bachelorhood."

She playfully scowled at him. "...Not 'til you ask me.... Can't hold me to anything said in the heat of the moment...."

He just stood there, trembling from more than his inactivity spasms.

"...You do know what I'm going to say, right...?"

Aiden laughed, clutching at his sore shoulder as he did. "Just searching for words, me'asana. The traditional Cygnan proposal just doesn't seem to suit the moment."

"How about, 'will you marry me'?"

"Yes, me'asana. Gladly."

'Nat stared at him for a long moment, her good eye narrowing. "Now that's cheating."

"Is there a Human tradition I should be observing?" Aiden asked through an excessive grin.

"...The man usually gets down on one knee...." She left out the part about asking her parents for permission without troubling him with why not.

"If the nurse who's watching promises to help me back up...." He knelt without waiting for an answer from their observer, carefully taking one of her hands in his. "Will you marry me, Syn'natha Berron?"

She let him sweat for just a moment. "Yes."

"Commander Daem told me that the Captain likes big weddings in Ten Forward," he told her, without missing a beat. "Do we have a tradition in mind for the ceremony? The Andorian rite is the only one I can easily exclude, since it's just the two of us."

"...You never can tell, me'asana. ...Some doe-eyed young ensigns might have been inspired by our tale...."

"Are you going to baby-sit for the forever I'm about to promise you?" Aiden managed to stand on his own, although it wasn't pleasant or pretty. "Besides, the group wedding tradition is about a merging of equals...."

"...I guess we really don't qualify, then...."

Aiden growled playfully when he got it. "Hey...."

"Go back to bed, me'asana.... We can fight about it after a few more days sleep...."

"All right." He bent to kiss her forehead, but she caught him by the front of his sickbay pajamas and drew him down to her waiting lips.

They hovered together long enough that the nurse started to move to separate them, concerned by a change in the bed readings.

'Nat gently eased Aiden away before the attendant could intervene. "...You're in enough trouble without getting a critical patient all worked up...."

He bowed, using her bed for balance, then straightened a bit too quickly when it hit him. "...You heard what the Commander said...?"

"No... but I could guess.... We made enough of a mess." She shooed him with her hand. "Just make sure the wedding is before the court martial, okay? ...I don't want to have the ceremony muddied up by me marrying a junior officer... or a civilian..." making a face as she said the last part.

"Agreed, me'asana. I think I have it covered so far."

"...Tell me later..." she grumbled, as the nurse began checking on her. Then, in a conspiratorial tone to the attending, "...If there's a problem... sedate him... not me...."

Aiden watched her readings level back off before dragging himself back to his bed. Would he ever stop smiling? Not for some time....

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Chapter 3

{Outer space near Deep Space 15}

"Deep Space Fifteen, this is the free trader Morningstar, requesting permission to dock. I have with me a Lieutenant Tovaal Maxwell, claiming to be attached to the USS Griffin. He's been injured."

"Stand by, Morningstar," came the reply. A moment or two later, Captain Bennett's ship was scanned, and his registry verified. "Your ship is showing damage. Do you require assistance?"

"It's nothing terminal, but would sure be appreciated."

"Sit tight, then, and we'll tractor you in."

"Much obliged. Morningstar out." Bennett turned to the back of the cabin, where a bandaged and bruised half-Vulcan sat against the bulkhead, fussing with the left arm that rested in a makeshift sling. Bennett wasn't sure if Vulcans registered such things, but the one he was currently looking at seemed to be in a pretty fair amount of pain. "Looks like you're home, Lieutenant. Sorry for the bumpy ride."

Tovaal waved him off with his good arm. "Quite all right, Captain. I assure you, it beats the alternative by a light year."

When the ship docked, Tovaal and Bennett disembarked; the Captain headed for the small gaggle of techs off to the left and began going over the repairs that were needed, and Tovaal stepped the rest of the way down the ramp and over to Dr. Stone's waiting tricorder.

"Well, you've certainly seen better days, Lieutenant," Stone said as he waved his device over the Vulcan's head and arm, making one or two small sounds at the obvious lack of proper treatment that had been administered.

"Medical services were at something of a premium where I was, Doctor."

"Indeed? And just where have you been, then, a Klingon first aid station?"

Tovaal cracked a smirk at that. "I would tell you, but then I would have to kill you."

"Of course...." Stone gestured to the doors that led into the station proper. "Shall we?"

"By all means." Tovaal caught Bennett's eye one last time, nodding a farewell that the Captain returned with a cocky salute. Then, it was back to work.

{Sickbay, USS Griffin, a few hours later}

It was a while after Priscilla was informed of Tovaal's return that she was finally able to get to Sickbay to see him. When she walked in, one of the staff doctors was just finishing the surgery it had been discovered was necessary on Tovaal's arm.

"Captain," Tovaal acknowledged with a nod.

"Welcome back, Lieutenant," she replied, "you look like heck. How do you feel?"

"Fairly well, all things considered."

"Glad to hear it." She turned next to Stone. "What's the prognosis, Doctor?"

Stone blew out a short breath before beginning. "Well, as you saw, the Lieutenant's arm injury was worse than first thought, and at some point he sustained a mild concussion. That, at least, was treated, albeit badly. I do, however, have a concern..."

He turned to the wall display and called up a test that he had been studying. "There is a pathogen in his system that I have not been able to completely identify. It doesn't seem to be having any immediate effects that I am aware of, and I've given him something that will hopefully contain the spread until I can cure whatever it is. I will, of course, keep you informed, Captain."

"Of course. Thank you, Doctor," Priscilla replied. Stone nodded, excused himself and went to his office to continue his research. Priscilla pulled a chair up to the side of the bed, returning her attention to her pilot; the last time she'd seen him was right after the Griffin had limped into DS15 for repairs, having sacrificed a warp nacelle to save the rest of the ship. He had requested time off to research the possibility of a continued Caramani threat in the wake of the closing of the major gates in this sector of space. "Looks like everything didn't go so smoothly on this particular vacation, Lieutenant. Care to tell me about it?"

He fidgeted slightly as he settled in to recount his adventure.

"Well, as you may recall, I left the station in search of some of my old contacts, so as to assess any remaining Caramani threat we may be facing." Myst nodded. "It took quite a while, but I did manage to find them; turns out that my Romulan counterpart during my original missions was reassigned into a wing command, with three ships under his. I made my way to the nearest Romulan outpost and met him aboard his vessel. It turns out that they had transported several Caramani off of the last ship through the gate before we shut it down, and were interrogating them. It was learned that one of the prisoners was the commander of the mission into this quadrant, but they were able to get little else of value from him. I was attempting to be of assistance in that regard when four Caramani ships attacked us in orbit. We were somehow able to drive them off, but we suffered heavy casualties in the process, losing two of our ships and most of our crews when they boarded us. We were unable to prevent them from taking their commander with them, and we have no idea if they had an additional gate to retreat into when they left. It is unlikely, but we were unable to track them for long after they left. Fortunately, there is only one ship left, and it too is heavily damaged, so it should not be able to hide for long. The Romulans have said they will let me know when they have found it, but I believe the threat it poses is minimal. We have most likely seen the last of them for a while."

"Well, that's a comfort, at least." The Captain stood then, smoothing down her tunic and prepared to leave. "Doctor Stone is likely to want you here for a while resting, so I'll wait to read all of the finer details in your report."

"Aye, Captain."

She paused when she reached the door, turning back to him.

"Oh, and welcome back. But, if you come back in this shape again, I'm going to have to ground you."

"I'll try not to make a habit of it," he smiled, closing his eyes and laying back on the bed to let sleep have him for a few hours.

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