Episode 16

Growing Pains

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 - Sable and Freeman's Departure
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 - Crawford and Defore's History
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

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Chapter 1

{Captain's Quarters}

Priscilla had not been happy with how Starfleet had ended the Griffin's last mission. Of course their reasons were justified, but then again the best politicians and diplomats could justify just about anything. It was just that she felt like the Griffin had been forced to abandon the Palodians and Abednegos....

That was a week ago.

Now Priscilla slid the last of her reports and replies to Starfleet onto her desk, and sighed. (One more mission over with. Now what?) she wondered to herself. She knew the crew needed some down time - certain members especially, to deal with personal issues - and Starfleet knew it too. The last mission was supposed to have been a routine set for the Griffin, but as always seems to happen things turned eventful! Priscilla actually liked that more than long lulls. And had especially liked much of the last year on the Griffin with all the first contacts! So she wasn't much looking forward to Starfleet's next assignment for the Griffin: Shore leave.

It wasn't so much that she didn't want the break, nor that she wanted to withhold the much needed therapy for her crew, she just didn't much like Starfleet's choice.

"Risa..." she read again off the top PADD on her desk. "Had to be Risa...."

She shook her head. Not even on her top ten list. (Oh well,) she thought. She wasn't very excited about the destination, and this was coming not too long after missing getting to celebrate the New Year this year because of the crises of the last mission. That along with having to leave the Hilian system pre-maturely in her mind... it was just a lot of let downs all in a row.

She called up to the Bridge, and gave the order to set course for Risa, Warp Five. Sable replied that since the Griffin was still on the outer parts of the Federation (though closer than they had been in months), it would take two weeks to arrive. Priscilla acknowledged, and then called Davidson to suggest that the departments take the next couple weeks to perform the more time intensive diagnostics and maintenance that had been put off because of more urgent things that kept coming up. Davidson acknowledged, and bid Priscilla good night.

{Two weeks later, Bridge}

"We're coming into orbit around Risa," Sable announced.

"Very good," Priscilla replied, glancing over at Daem who seemed quite happy to be arriving at the famous vacation planet. She couldn't help but smile, Jaquelle's enthusiasm was infectious. "Hail the planet."

Travin opened the channel. Pleasantries were exchanged. Risa had been expecting the Griffin, and informed Priscilla that a few special arrangements had been made around the planet to help greet and relax the crew. A ski lodge, a beach resort, and various special interest activities had spots held specifically for the Griffin's crewmembers to take advantage of over the next week. Priscilla thanked them wholeheartedly. Then the communication was closed.

Not a second later Rinali announced the Griffin was being hailed by the surface.

"On screen," Priscilla ordered. Her eyes widened a bit and she was caught at a loss for words for a moment when she saw the face before them.

"Hello Dearest," he said.

Priscilla smiled. "Alex!" she said with surprise at seeing her husband. "Wh- How- Where-"

"I decided it had been too long since I'd seen you, and cashed in on my leave time. Permission to come on board?"

"Granted!" she replied very happily.

"See you in a minute," he replied, then cut the communication.

Priscilla turned to Jaquelle as she started to head to the turbolift. "You have the bridge, I'll be in transporter room one."

"Aye, Captain," Jaquelle replied almost with a sparkle, making Priscilla wonder if she had been in on the surprise.

(Maybe this leave will be really good after all,) Priscilla thought to herself as the turbolift door closed.

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Chapter 2

Jaquelle eased herself into the Captain's chair. She wanted to take the smile off her face, but couldn't. For days she had to block the secret out of her mind to keep Captain Myst from suspecting something. When they arrived at Risa she couldn't help herself. Now, after sensing the Captain's reaction, she almost felt like a matchmaker. She could not wait to communicate with Victoria about how successful they had been with their plan. But then, she realized that Victoria probably knew when it happened, and besides she had to make some other people happy right now.

"Commander Davidson," Jaquelle paged. "We are in orbit over Risa, please commence shore leaves."

"Aye Commander," came Davidson's voice.

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Chapter 3

{Personal Quarters, USS Griffin}

“The hours spent here will always be close to me. Years really, though it seems it’s only been hours in all honesty.”

Ryan paused from recording her personal log for a moment to place a neatly folded uniform jacket into the duffle. She straightened to stare at the duffle and the contents within that she could see. Satisfied that she had placed the last of her clothing into the bag, and had also reached the bag’s limit, she closed it, the zipper rumbling softly as she pulled it to the stops.

“I really don’t know where I will be going from here,” Ryan admitted to the computer as it began recording again upon detection of her voice. “I’ve been transferred to the Sovereign, and I don’t know what their mission is or my post.”

She hefted the duffle from the end of her bed, placing it at the door for later. Her facial expression was deep with thought, her mind meditating on each word before speaking. She wanted this last log on the Griffin to really mean something when she would look back years later. She wanted to delve into her deepest and more sacred thoughts.

“I think I’ve changed,” Ryan assessed. “Not professionally per say, but … personally.”

She began placing her more decorative items in one of the more molded containers, designed to prevent damage to things in transit. During her chore of packing, her more cognitive thoughts remained occupied with her log entry.

“I think, when I first came here, life was rather easy; enjoyable in a sense of tolerant atmosphere. But I think over time, obstacles developed that I never thought I would have to undertake.”

Ryan paused once again, holding a small artifact in mid-air as she mused over her next comments. One was troubling her in particular, unsure if she wanted to record it outside her own thoughts.

“I have to admit, that after encountering the last obstacle here, I am ready to move on. There are some things that you just can’t change or influence for the better,” Ryan spoke softly, with almost a sad manner. She swallowed slightly, preparing for her true confession. The reason she had accepted the call from Starfleet for a transfer.

“I honestly don’t feel comfortable here anymore.” She placed the last of her decorative items in the box like container, sealing it. “Yes, I admit I was a little shaky socially, for a long time. But this is difference. I feel a sort of animosity. I honestly can’t say from where, I’m no telepath. But it exists.”

Ryan sighed as she placed the last ‘bag’ at the door. It was disturbing, this knowledge that something out there had changed, and not for the better.

“Maybe people will think I’m childish for accepting this transfer; claim I’m running away. But I’m powerless to change whatever it is causing this, and I’m not one to allow myself to be mentally pushed downward; not anymore.”

It would be seen on both sides differently, Ryan was sure if that. The Griffin, if they ever discovered her true feelings would probably find her silly and unmethodical, her opinions unfounded. But she knew that Freeman understood, and perhaps others would too. Though she planned never to reveal her feelings to anyone but the computer while it recorded her logs. Doing otherwise was just one of those things she knew was a waste of time.

She looked at the bags at her door. ‘Her door, her quarters,’ it was all relative now. She was sure what were once her quarters would soon be passed on, and without much thought to their previous owner. Starfleet wasn’t about remaining stuck to one thought or place. It was about broadening one’s horizons, exploring every thought and place that man could exist in. To constantly remember Ryan, because she was at one time on the Griffin, would be a step backward in her mind.

“I expect great things from being in Starfleet,” Ryan began recording her finale. “I expect great things and opportunities on the Sovereign. And I know they expect great things from me. And I know I won’t let them down.” It was not an elegant speech, but it was Ryan’s firm thoughts.

With the last word spoken she grasped the bags she would carry, leaving the others for the transporter or whatever crewman was handed the dirty job of getting them. She took one last look around what was once her place on the Griffin. It was not much to see now, barren and dark. For a moment it was disconcerting, but then just as quickly it became a sign of progress. When in one place opportunities might not be open to her, the doors of her quarters were like burning bushes, glaring with warm and promising prospect in the world to come.

Her final act here was simple. She pressed a button on the data PADD she had kept free. Her final personal log on the Griffin was over. The data PADD then effortless downloaded all of her personal log files. These personal logs were not something of extreme importance to the records and operation of the Griffin. With an expression of satisfaction, she placed the data PADD in her bag, and closed it. Her lips were a thin line of determination and hope, her eyes set, as she exited those personal quarters and walked down the sterile corridor, disappearing at the end.

{Shuttle Fulminata, Shuttle Bay, USS Griffin}

Freeman tapped the console, bringing the shuttle’s self-check results up on the screen. It seemed the shuttle was convinced that it was flight ready, but Freeman was a man for doing some of the work himself.

He began running through the checks as the familiar hum of a transporter informed him that some baggage had arrived. He got to his feet and worked quickly to place the baggage in the hold. Most of the crew was on short leave, leaving Freeman to do most of the flight check and cargo work. But that did not bother him, it seemed that many of the men that had remained to help them with flight control were antsy to be on their ways to Risa.

Freeman shook his head in a humored distaste. Young kids seemed they would always be young kids. He settled into the one of the forward seats, finishing his shuttle check. Upon conclusion of the flight checks he grasped a PADD he had left sitting near the CONN console. With a few swift clicks to the console and PADD several files began to download into the computer. He smiled at the computer console. Their long flight to Starbase 107 would not be so long after all. Which was a relief considering the fact that they were only heading to the starbase for another jump to Earth.

Freeman had to admit that he felt rather like a kid the night before Christmas. There was rumor that there would be the chance to advance in his career at his next posting. Something he felt was unavailable to him here since Davidson had managed to cop his position and still remain young after the ‘tiny trek’ incident. To someone of Freeman’s age and experience, it was a tad bit disheartening. In any matter, Freeman felt it was time to move on and explore other horizons.

So here he was, getting a shuttle ready to depart and do exactly that. He smiled as Ryan boarded. At least he was not doing it alone, and would not have to fly this round.

{Shuttle Bay Command Room}

Priscilla walked into the Shuttle Bay, breathing like she had been hurrying. She looked around quickly, scanning the shuttle bay. Not seeing what she was looking for, she turned and stepped into the Command Room just in time to hear the operator say: "You're all clear for launch, Lieutenant."

Priscilla paused a moment as if to say something that would be able to change things, then sighed realizing there was nothing she could say. Her eyes sought the floor and her demeanor fell. She turned back towards the shuttle bay as the operator looked up and asked if he could do something for her. She only shook her head slightly, and watched as the shuttle lifted off.

Stepping back into the shuttle bay as the shuttle passed through the force field that held atmosphere in the shuttle bay, Priscilla half-heartedly waved after her departing officers. Not that they would be able to see her. Not that it seemed they cared.

An arm wrapped around her shoulders. Looking, she found it was attached to her husband, who had a questioning and worried look on his face. She leaned against him.

"They didn't even say good-bye," she finally said. She shifted slightly to look Alex's face. "After everything. All the crew went through together... they were members of our family. After all Daem and I did to try and help them...," she looked back after the shuttle that wasn't visible anymore trying to find answers she knew she wouldn't get. "Not even one good-bye... to anyone."

{Shuttle Fulminata, moments before}

“We’re good to go here.” Freeman stated simply, moving from the pilot’s seat.

“Good,” Ryan replied with a smile of her own. She settled into the CONN seat, and looked over the shuttle’s status and other reports. Satisfied she began the engine warm-up, while Freeman closed the rear hatch. A few boring moments passed, and then they were given the ‘all clear’ for launch. Accordingly, Ryan nodded and replied. With a good healthy burst of engine power, the shuttle twisted its way out of the shuttle bay, disappearing among the stars.

Freeman smirked at the star-studded space before them. It was time for that music. It built up slowly, and then before they knew it, it had consumed them, dancing and singing with the fever. It embodied everything.

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Chapter 4

{Assistant Science Office}

Vosch sat and stared at his terminal as he had down every day since his routine had settled in. This time, however, he just looked at the reflection of his environmental suit in the monitor. No figures, no numbers, no analysis. This vacation thing was a strange concept to him.

He sat and puzzled and thought. First was how the last mission had ended. He thought, (How odd that the Gorgelon Empire intervened in a way they would not normally. Why would my people enter Federation affairs and why would it be necessary to be so hush-hush.) Then a smile on his face slowly began to creep in along with a sly chuckle as he continued his thoughts, (I wonder if the Tsarn knew of this little escapade. They must be all in an uproar.)

Vosch then pulled up the local star charts. Always inquisitive and wanting learn he scanned them intensely. His attention didn't last long on the task, however, as he began to reflect on Anna. Her demeanor had changed. She was not the sure handed, confident person she had appeared to be when they first met in the shuttle bay. (I wonder what really happened,) he began to muse over and over in his head. According to those with whom he spoke, it was her persona upon meeting him that day in the bay that was different. Her personality was now, according to his sources, more of the norm. This made Vosch a little uneasy as he liked the Anna he first met. While this version of Anna was nice enough, it wasn't what he was used to dealing with in a command sense.

There was also something else that disturbed him. He actually found himself liking Anna, in more then a professional way; well at least the first Anna he had met. His race didn't need a mate for reproduction, but it was not unusual to have a companion or life mate. A life mate was that person that the Gorgelonari could spend time with and be happy with.

Suddenly the doors to the office opened, shaking Vosch from his quasi-meditation. It was Ensign Dumas. She was dressed in casual clothes and for the first time, Vosch realized that she was fairly attractive.

"I thought I would find you here, Vosch," Dumas said in a pith that exuded anticipation and excitement. "This is supposed to be a vacation and that means NO work." Dumas then hurried up to Vosch's chair and grabbed his arm and attempted to pull him away with her. The suit was unfortunately to heavy for her to even move and after a few moments of struggling she thought she had heard a chuckle come from within. "Sure you chuckle, but I am going to show you have to have real fun, Earthling style." With her last comment about the 'Earthling style' she added a whimsical smile and altered her voice to sound like E.T.

Dumas' sense of humor was enough to motivate Vosch, "Very well Terri, lead the way." He again threw in a faint chuckle in attempt to hide the thoughts of the day. He felt the cold arctic blast that Terri could put forth before, and was not in a hurry to feel it again. The two left and headed for the transporter room; destination, Risa.

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Chapter 5


"Captain!" a voice called out. Priscilla turned her gaze from the beauty of the horizon towards the source. On the beach below the balcony of her room a group of Griffin children had made friends with a group of other vacationing children and were starting up a team game of some sort. One of them was now waving up at her. She waved back, and suddenly all the children were waving excitedly. She laughed lightly and waved back a bit more vigorously.

"You sure you're not having fun here?" Alex asked from behind her.

Priscilla waited for him to come up to her side before pushing him playfully. "Heeeey," she protested, "it's hard to have fun when so much is changing on the ship." She then turned to face him, and sighed. "But you know I can't help but be happy whenever we're together!"

He smiled back at her. "So what do you want to do today?"

She wrapped and arm around him and hmm-ed for a minute.

"Ahhhh, I see you've already decided," he joked.

"Actually, I have," she grinned back. "I hear there's a big dance tonight. Formal. Sounds like lot of fun!"

{Griffin, Ten Forward}

Ensigns Edward, Johnson, Rawlins, and Ryuk sat round grinning at each other.

"It's like we're in charge!" Edward said about so much of the crew being on leave, and the four of them being part of the skeleton crew left to man the ship.

"Yeah, other than Davidson, there's not a Lieutenant on board!" Johnson added.

Nina shook her head slightly and smirked to herself as she set down the "boys' " orders. "Just remember the rest of the crew is only a hail and transport away," she commented to them, her natural Mother warning tone creeping in. Then she smiled at them to indicate she wasn't trying to damper their spirits.

"That just means we have a safety net," Ryuk commented soberly with a nod, and a mischievous glint in his eyes.

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Chapter 6

{USS Escalade, around 15 years ago}

"Captain, I am receiving a distress signal from the Research Station on Colon 4. " Captain Murphy looked over to his science officer.

"Can we get anything on long range scans?" Murphy asked.

"Captain it looks like a chunk of the planet has literally blown off," came the answer.

"Can you be a little more specific?" Murphy patiently asked. "How big of a 'chuck' are we talking and how close to the colony?"

"I'm working on that right now. It'll take just a minute," was the response.

In the meantime, Murphy was calling up the information about the colony on his chair side station. The research station had been establish about three months ago. The mission included only five scientist and three engineers.

"Captain, a roughly cone shape mass 25 kilometers in diameter on the largest side, 10 kilometers in length and two kilometers in diameter on the smaller side has broken off the planet. There are massive quakes registering over 8 on the Richter scale. The station is in the same hemisphere and is caught near one of the fault lines. Not only that, it appears the orbit of the planet is going to destabilize."

"Conn, give me warp 9 right now," Captain Murphy ordered.

The Conn Officer looked over her shoulder not to question the Captain but to make sure she had heard correctly.

"Warp 9 sir?" she repeated.

"Yes, Lieutenant, Warp 9," Murphy said calmly. "Captain's log: I am invoking an emergency override of Starfleet General Order 32 of the warp 5 limit, due to imminent planetary death affecting Federation personnel." The Captain then called the transporter room.

{Transporter Room}

Lt. Jason Crawford was on duty in the transporter room. He couldn't help but feel the ship's jump to warp 9. "Lt. Crawford," came the Captain's voice. "There is an emergency at the Research Station on Colon 4. We will need to be ready for an emergency beam out, possibly the moment we drop out of warp."

"Will it be just the 8 people or will we need to get some equipment out also?" Crawford asked.

Captain Murphy was almost surprised. (How did he know there were 8 people there,) he thought. But then again nothing really surprised him about what Lt. Crawford knew. In the three years since Crawford had graduated from Starfleet he had risen to Lieutenant, he knew every inch of the warp engine and the transporter and anything else he chose to study. It was reasonable to expect that he would be chief engineer somewhere in the next year. In fact he would probably be the youngest captain in Starfleet one day.

"Just the personnel will do," responded the Captain.

It wasn't just by happenstance that Jason knew how many people were at the station. Jason's best friend his entire life, Daniel Defore, was on that station. Jason had tried to talk him out of going, but Marta Erazo was one of the researchers going to be stationed on Colon 4. Marta was the love of Danny's life while at Starfleet academy. Upon graduation they had been separated, but they communicated everyday possible and coordinated all of their shore leave to be together. When Marta received the assignment, Danny knew they would be out of communication for six months. He was heartbroken. Then when one of the engineers had to pull out, the chance to be stationed together arose and Danny jumped at it. Jason had warned him of the dangers of being stationed with someone you loved, especially in a potentially hostile situation. But Danny could not be dissuaded.


"Captain," reported the Science Officer. "There is an ion storm approaching Colon 4. It is estimated to hit the planet five point three minutes after we are in transporter range. Currently there is so much disruption that we will not be able to transport off the planet without pattern enhancers."

"Lt. Crawford," the Captain communicated to the transporter room, "we will need you to beam down pattern enhancers to the station to be able to beam the crew off."

"Aye sir," Crawford responded. "I am monitoring the situation."

The USS Escalade dropped out of warp near Colon 4. "Captain there seems to be no way to communicate with the station," Crawford called. "The area around the station is so rocked with quakes that I need to be on the planet to explain how to set up the enhancers correctly. We will only have one chance to initiate a beam out due to planetary conditions"

Captain Murphy looked over to his Ops officer, who nodded in agreement.

"Permission to beam down granted," Murphy said.

{Colon 4}

Jason materialized near the research station. He almost lost his balance and dropped the enhancers when the ground violently shook below him. The sky was an eerie gray with a combination of fire flashes and intermitted bright sparkles. He pulled out his tri-quarter and located four bio-signs in a large room ahead of him and three more in a smaller room about thirty meters further.

Jason made his way to the larger room. Four people looked surprised and happy to see him. He knew there was no time for pleasantries.

"We've got 3 minutes to beam out of here and they will only be able to initiate the beam once. I need you two to get the others, they are thirty meters that way," Jason ordered. "I need the other two of you to help me set up these enhancers."

A minute later the enhancers were set up and the two station members were back with the other three. One was Danny. When Danny saw Jason he just smiled and shook his head.

"I should have know it would be you," Danny said. Then he looked around. "Where is Marta?"

"I don't know" said Jason "My tri-quarter only showed 7 people."

One of the researchers then said:

"She was that way, in Research lab 3 when the last quake hit."

Jason pointed his tri-quarter in the direction of the lab.

"The lab is full of rubble and there is no life signs." "That can't be, that can't be," yelled Danny and he ran toward where the lab once stood.

Jason knew there was only one minute left for a safe beam out. He knew it was his obligation to get the other six back safely. He tossed the pattern enhancer control to the one remaining engineer and told him to engage it in 60 seconds even if he were not back. He ran after Danny.

When Jason caught up with Danny he had stopped at the doorway of the crumbled lab. He could see Marta's crushed body. Jason pointed the tri-quarter.

"Look Danny, she is dead, we need to get back or we are trapped here," Jason said. Danny stood paralyzed in his grief. Jason picked him up and struggled back. Jason got back to the room just in time to see the enhancers start to go on. He threw Danny into the area. That act caused the enhancers to destabilize. Jason ran in, grabbed the control and restabilized the enhancers.


Captain Murphy listened to the computer countdown.

10, 9, 8, 7,

"Captain the stabilizers are coming on," reported Ops. "Energizing ...no wait they are off."

2, 1, 0.

"Captain, I think they are back on again, but I am unsure. Energizing what I can."

"Transporter room," Captain Murphy called, "did we get anybody?"

"We've got five, Captain."

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Chapter 7

Dumas and Karenek were proceeding to the transporter room to begin their vacation. Dumas noticed the preoccupation of Vosch, even though she could not see him through his environ-suit. Over the past several months, she found herself becoming connected with him, almost on a subconscious level.

Vosch was indeed still preoccupied with the thoughts he had been pondering in the Assistant’s Science Office, and did not notice that Dumas had also noticed. He even barely registered acknowledgement of Dumas’ comm link going off.

"Ensign Dumas, there is a special communication coming in, priority one." She pondered for a moment as to whom would be contacting her. She knew, however, priority one meant it was important.

A childish excited grin emerged on her face, (My test results) she thought. Now with enthusiasm, "I will take it in my quarter’s."

She then turned to Vosch, "You go to the transporter room and wait for me. I will be right there."

Without so much as a word the two parted company.

{Dumas’ Quarters}

"Patch me through."

The screen monitor flickered oddly for a brief moment. During the flickering, Dumas began to feel strange. She felt as if there was a separation in her psyche. It was almost as if she could see herself but was not herself. "Secure scramble AATBAC97," she found herself saying. On the monitor, a man appeared. He was dressed almost in a Napoleon dress style. Metals and ribbons of a military nature were displayed proudly on his chest. He had bright blue eyes, mostly bald, with a ridge of black hair that stood across his cranium like the outstretched feathers of a prancing peacock.

Dumas lost herself as she stared in wonderment as her alter ego carried on a conversation with the man.

"Commander, how are things proceeding?" the man on the monitor inquired.

"All is going according to plan, Londo." The alter-Dumas responded. Dumas watched her lips move, heard her voice speak, but felt helpless to do or say anything herself. "The Gorgelonari and I will meet you on Risa tomorrow."

"Does he have any idea?"

"I don’t believe so. He seems to be preoccupied with one of the humans located on this vessel to really be concerned about anything else; someone by the name of, Krasinski."

"Send me her file as well. It may be a useful bargaining chip."

The alter-Dumas nodded in response and then continued. "How did the experiment go on Colon 4?"

"The reports are still coming in, but so far," he paused with a maniacally chuckle, "a complete success." He then looked closely at the screen, "It is important that the Federation is kept in the dark. I don’t need to tell you the ramifications if they find out. We also need to find out if those blasted Gorgelonari have indeed started working with the Federation. If they have we could all be in great danger and our plans would lead to our downfall."

"You can count on me, Sir."

"I know I can, Commander. Until tomorrow then." The man faded from the screen.

Dumas then left her quarters and proceed to meet Karenek in the transporter room. When she arrived, Vosch was more aware of her then before her departure. "Is everything alright?" he inquired.

"Vosch, my friend, it couldn’t be better." Dumas then led him to the transporter where they were then sent to the planet surface.

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Chapter 8

{Sandraian's Quarters}

It was odd being on vacation so soon after taking on the assingment to the ship. She didn’t socialize much with most of the crew yet. She still felt as a kind of outsider and well... for one she wasn’t used to so many minds. It was different at the academy or home. Those minds weren’t counting on her. She spent a lot of time in her room painting. Though she did leave the ship once or twice. Mostly she was reflected on things. How she needed to handle things differently on the next mission. And yes she knew she needed to get out more and socialize but, she was always the listener never the social bee. Alex was much more content to just paint. And during this little vacation if any one were to seek her out, they would find the young Engin covered in paint. From top of head to little toe. Part of her would be glad when they moved on. She was anxious to actually get to work. Now that the jitters were gone.

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