Janice Bristow - NPC

Tactical Officer

Rank: Ensign | Sex: Female | Race: Human

Height: 5’5" | Weight: 120lbs | Eyes: Brown | Hair: Dark Brown, almost black

Home Planet: Boston, Massachusetts, Earth | DOB: February 28, 2357 | Age: 22

Married: Michael St. Martin | Children: -

Of Note -

Personal Traits:
- Is not necessarily a 'people person'.
- Is shy around others, especially around someone that she likes a lot.
- Is a history nut - especially loves the 1960's.
- Listens to Terran psychedelic music from the 1960's . . . but doesn't engage in social behaviour especially common to that period of history (i.e. swinging) because of her personality.
- Is respectful towards all forms of authority.

- Janice is mild mannered and soft spoken most of the time.
- Is a conformist - she has never challenged the authority of others (i.e. parents, society, or Starfleet).
- Is tolerant of others.
- Is an idealist and a classic romantic.
- Enjoys in playing practical jokes and plays some from time to time. This sometimes has gotten her in trouble, and a few times has gotten others in trouble (i.e. her sister).
- In contrast to several family members, Janice lacks a tendency towards snobbishness which seems to run in her mother's side of the family . . . fortunately only two members in her extended and immediate family has this 'quality' but only displays it from time to time - Janice's grandfather and her sister.

- Dancing
- Daydreaming
- Acting out holonovels
- Singing

Family Information:
Mother: Anastasia Winchester-Bristow, age 49 - human, civilian
Father: Arvin Bristow, age 55 - human, civilian
Sister: Willow Anya Bristow, age 23 - human, Starfleet officer - recently stationed aboard Starbase 10 - in the SOD division of the Independence Fleet.
- Paternal Grandmother: Emily Bristow, age 76 - human, civilian
- Grandfather: Alexander Winchester, age 74 - human, civilian
- Maternal Grandmother: Anya Winchester, age 72 - human, civilian

- All of Janice's parents and grandparents live in her hometown of Boston, Massachusetts on Earth.

Personal History:
- Janice was born on February 28, 2357. Her older sister Willow was born on May 09, 2356 - less than ten months before Janice was born. The extended family thought that it was a cute coincidence so Janice and Willow's parents raised them as twins even though they were and still are completely different in every way. Janice grew up to physically resemble their grandmother Emily, while Willow resembles their mother. Their differences in temperament and personality are quite complementary.
- Janice and Willow grew up entirely in Boston. Willow graduated from high school in 2373 and Janice graduated from the same school a year later in 2374.
- In 2375, Janice returned to Boston after about a year of vacationing abroad, much to the chagrin of her grandparents. When pressured by her family to do something, as in 'get a job,' Janice decided that she could apply to get into Starfleet. Willow, on the other hand, was working in a civilian day care center in a local hospital since her high school graduation. It was Janice who suggested that they apply for SF academy together; it took little persuasion from Janice for Willow to agree with her and quit her current day job.

- In 2375, Janice and Willow entered Starfleet Academy after passing their entrance exam in the first try. While Willow floundered about trying different subjects in their first year there, Janice found her 'calling' or area of expertise and decided to major in tactical. Eventually by second year, Willow gained a sense of direction and decided to become a psychologist - but yet again wanted to study several areas in that field. Janice's marks through out those years were average, except in tactical. Willow grew talented in two areas of psychology, which she majored in. Willow's talent for forensic psychology caused some of her instructors to consider studying security as well, so Willow minored in it.
- During her academy years, Janice travelled home to Boston during breaks between years and on special occasions - rarely socializing with her classmates during much of the year. As a result, Janice strengthened a rapport with her family during her stay in the academy.
- Both sisters graduated in 2379 with the rank of Ensign. Janice graduated in the upper 50% of her class while Willow graduated in the top 5% of her class . . . including her two majors and two of her minors that were related to psychology.
- After graduation, the sisters returned to Boston. There they celebrated Janice's birthday and their parent's silver wedding anniversary. Despite Willow's higher academic achievements, Janice received her orders for her first assignment first. Janice was assigned to Deep Space 15 which was a newly built space station. Willow received less exciting assignment hours later. Willow was to travel to the Jalnak colony to receive further training to become a Counsellor. The last time the sisters ever saw each other face to face was in San Francisco when Janice boarded the USS Toronto to leave for Deep Space 15.

Major/Minor Area(s) of study:

Major: Tactical
Minor: Hand to Hand Combat

Previous Assignments:

- Deep Space 15 -
March 07, 2379
Rank: Ensign
Title: Tactical Officer

Awards and Commendations:
Special Operations Ribbon

Commendations: None.

Reprimands: None.

Honors and Decorations:
